Error message
- Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in include_once() (line 271 of /var/www/
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Eve Bonfanti & Yves Hunstad
La Fabrique Imaginaire
Eve Bonfanti and Yves Hunstad are co-founders of the theatre company La Fabrique Imaginaire, sharing the roles of playwrights, actors, directors and stage designers. Their first play, La Tragédie Comique from 1988, was created during 5 years of intensive rehearsal work and has played more than 500 performances around the world, translated into ten different languages.
Heiner Goebbels
Heiner Goebbels
Heiner Goebbels (born 1952) is a composer and director. His work has toured extensively and has given a new dimension to the concept Gesamtkunstwerk. He presents a number of ingredients and it is up to the spectator to sort them. Heiner Goebbels is professor at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen and president of the Theatre Academy Hessen.
Lotte van den Berg
Lotte van den Berg
Lotte van den Berg (b. 1973) creates work that sits between the worlds of mime, dance and theatre, characterised by the wish to create a space without words or rules, where the spectator becomes a participant. Much of her work is created on location, and she chooses to work not only with professional actors, but also with young people and amateurs.
Kirsten Delholm
Kirsten Dehlholm
Kirsten Dehlholm (born 1945) founded her performance theatre company Hotel Pro Forma in 1985. Originally a visual artist, she takes her starting point in a space or a theme through which she investigates the world. She o en chooses as performers people who have certain characteristics or skills, and she regularly includes objects and actions that are not normally associated with performing arts. Her performances have toured extensively all over the world.